Sunday, February 27, 2011

a (Giveaway)

I dream about tiles often when I sleep, especially while I'm focused on designing or making them.  Not as if I see them as a slide show running through my brain all night, but more like rows and rows of them on a conveyor belt.  I'm you dream about your work too??  I would like to present an offer of my work and a Giveaway to all who are interested!

I've been brewing this idea for a while and am excited to have made a couple new designs.  I made wedding tile favors for my guests attending my wedding and everybody LOVED them so I am inspired to pass that Love along.  Some tiles (like these above) are designed to be used for wedding favors, baby shower gifts, or special holiday occasions, stamped on the back with the names of the couple, individual, or baby, and the date of day, birth date, etc.  They are coming soon to my Etsy shop, once I get some samples ready.  With each batch of 50, I'm going to offer one free for the customer to keep, with their names and date on the front.  Here's a sample I'll keep for myself.  This is in raw form, not even bisque fired yet.

Long story offer is this for any of my lovely readers who are interested: For only $5  plus the cost of shipping (total cost is well over 50% off original price), I will make you your own personalized tile such as the one above if you would be willing for me to photograph it before shipment for display purposes.  You can choose the center image you like from the 3 new designs, Birds, Bells, or Heart and then your specifics would be stamped above and below, like my own sample which will measure roughly 2 1/2 inches square when complete.  On the back is a groove which enables the tile to be hung with a nail or hook.

If you'd like to take me up on this offer, here's what to do:
-Contact me in a message via Facebook, Email (, or through my Etsy shop JennaBdesigns.  I will just need a couple tidbits of info from you in the message..
1.  your choice for the center design (heart, birds, bells).  see picture above
2.  the date you'd like inscribed at the top
3.  the name or names you'd like inscribed at the bottom
4.  the color glaze you would prefer, please pick one.  These choices are:
saffron (buttery yellow) 
honey (sandy light golden brown)
indigo (stormy blue)
mint (light green like avocado)
juniper (dark bluish green)
5.  how I can contact you when ready to ship (email, etsy, etc.)

An image of the sample color choices:

The cost is just enough to cover materials and shipping because I am just happy to make you one of your commemorate a moment you love with something that will last forever.  Shipping costs will be set at $3.50 for USA, $4.50 for CANADA, and $6.00 Everywhere else.  When your tile is complete, I can send you a picture for your review before purchase.  

**Also...One lucky friend will receive their tile for free as I'll be randomly drawing a name and will post the Winner of the Giveaway here when tiles are complete.

Thanks all and let me know if you have any questions :) 

Friday, February 25, 2011

the world from above

Can you see the hot air balloon in the sky?  It's tiny, but there.  One of the things I love about summer time is driving along and spotting a hot air balloon.  For whatever reason, they make me happy.  I know that whoever's in it is smiling too :)  Since we live around many fields it's not unheard of to see one landing.  Once, a friend and I altered our destination while driving along because we spotted one.  Our mission...follow it until it lands.  And so we did.  You would never believe how small they fold and tuck and wrap that enormous balloon into when the adventure is over.  The pilot and the "chasing crew" stuffed it into what appeared to be a very large and sturdy wicker chest.  I'm totally serious.  Amazing.  A couple years ago, Howie took me on a hot air balloon ride for my birthday.  I was in awe of the quiet of the ride, the tiny specs of life below, and the mechanics of the balloon carrying us along.  I love being a part of the sky above, for once, as opposed to the ground below.  Afterward the pilot treated us to champagne and cheese and crackers in a little gazebo near the launch site while he told us the tales of his adventures in the air.  If you haven't tried flying in one of these...I highly recommend it!  Anyone have any good hot air balloon stories?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

this and that

Thanks to Twiggs, I got to thinking about what little treasures can be found in my own backyard.  And we are so lucky, too.  Within a 15 mile radius of our home, we have half a dozen little towns of old we can visit whenever we want.  Here's just a couple quick pics of our walk down the streets of Lambertville.  I must tell you that we didn't make it as far as we wanted (we were heading to the playground) because Keira dropped Strawberry Shortcake somewhere along the way and we had to trek back to find her.  Finally we did, which was a good thing because I don't think this household could survive without Strawberry Shortcake :)

This looks a bit like a Hobbit house.  Actually...a lot bit :)  I loved reading those books...always so magical.  I was and am still kind of jealous of all those tiny arched doors attached to houses built right into the earth in the Hobbit.

An old bike, retired and painted complete with a copper finish and used as a planter.  There it lives, right on the grassy patch between the sidewalk and the street, waiting for spring to show off a fresh flower bed in the basket.

A last of the holiday winter wreaths.  Until next year, then...

I love this window and stonework.  They just don't build like this anymore.

Lovely window displays.  They've got to do something to try to draw the eye because it's one gallery next to another in that town.  I don't know how they all survive.

And last but not least...Look at this little tyke.  Is she not the cutest thing?  My favorite part of the day.  That's all for now :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

an equatorial friday

a little beauty from my valentine <3

Today is Friday and so needs no further introduction.  We all know what Fridays means...FUN.  So, Keira and I set out to make something very yummy for breakfast.  I'm sure you can guess...but if you need a bit of help, here are some clues: A little sweet, round and fluffy, with chocolate chips.  Mmm. Mmmm.  Now, I realize no one makes these better than the infamous {Howie B}, but we can still try :)

While enjoying our Fun Friday breakfast, we had Alex's Equatorial album playing and boy, was Keira ever bee-boppin in her seat.  I think we have a dancer on our hands.    {check out alex and his music here}  It's a super-fun CD and since I don't quite have the words to describe it, I'm not going to try.

My mission today is to find the perfect place to visit in California.  All this talk floating around the universe lately of travel and warm weather is driving me BONKERS.  So...Howie & Keira & I are taking a trip.  We're just not sure of the details yet :)  It's also a good day to do something new and exciting as an Introduction to the weekend so Keira and I will be doing that and seeing what kind of trouble we can get into.  Happy Weekend :)

the infamous {Howie B}

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

if you were a city

If you were a city, where would you be?  Would you be nestled deep amongst the snow-tipped mountains, safe and secluded.  Green and luscious with lakes and trees and rows of old buildings, standing firm year after year.  Leafy and sun-kissed with sand in all the crevices of the streets.  Old and majestic with strong, weather laden stones.  Artsy and intriguing with many twists and turns and sculpted to perfection.  Open and vast with long gently rolling hills and a view of hundreds of miles.  Built up high on the cliff of a sea with the bluest clear water there ever was.  Familiar and comfy with everyday quiet places and friendly shops.  Daring and dangerous but beautiful to behold.  Cozy and squished up tight with tiny little streets lined with cobblestones hundreds of years old.  And on it goes...

I think I'd like to be the up high, with a rugged path to the crystal sea.  Tall and old but not too tightly packed.  Weathered into rounded corners and gently aged facades.  Sculpted and shaped to a beautiful end.  Friendly and welcoming, lined with restaurants that have patio seating and fresh flowers on the table.  Laid out simply, but with too many intricate details to notice in one afternoon.  I'd like to have blues and creamy yellows, buttery soft.  Streets covered in cobblestones six inches thick and unevenly worn.  Well kept and loved by many a foot.

I don't know exactly where I could be located yet.  I think I've been close, in Italy many others.  I'll just have to enjoy spending the rest of my life traveling around to see what I can see :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Drip, drip, drip

last night's sunset
Today I hear the drip, drip, dripping of melting snow sliding off the roof's edge.  I walked outside's practically warm out!  What a pleasant Valentine's Day surprise :)  I'm not sure why I even started up the wood stove today, we hardly need the heat.  Inside, Oliver is lounging on some Jenga blocks that Keira was playing with.  In his usual form, Savy found the best snuggly spot in the house on Keira's puffy blue grocery-cart blanket in the kitchen.  He looks at me all squinty-eyed and perturbed when I pet him as I walk by as if to say, "How dare you disturb my peaceful rest?"  Keira, too, is napping upstairs.  What is that sound I hear?  Oh yeah...nothing.  It's all quietness and still around here right now.  Happy Valentine's Day! 

Yesterday's Snow Day adventures

Friday, February 11, 2011

in lieu of spring

 I feel a bit like I'm jumping the gun on Spring coming and that we still have some cold winter days ahead.  In lieu of Spring, here are some things I'm trying to remember to love about Winter.

Valentine delights and fireside nights
Icicle trees and no stinging bees
Hoodies and Uggs and hot coffee mugs
Photo cards from friends and tax-return money to spend
Cozy on the couch with hot chocolate mug to mouth
Mom's potato soup and pies with ice cream scoops
Warm fleecy socks and snow with a crunchy top
Pine needle scents and indoor forts like tents
Warm wool hats and white footprint leaving tracks

Hope this keeps you going for a couple days more at least :)  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ruth's birthday

This is Ruth, my sponsored child from Kenya.  Her birthday is coming up in March and I've been trying to think of fun little things to send her every week from now until then.  I can't send packages because people would steal them before they even reach her.  I can only send small, plain, white envelopes.  No special labels or writing.  Nothing that would make it stand out as something of value.  Sad, but this is the way it is.

Usually, I send her some small piece of artwork or a photo of an interesting picture.  My goal is always to make the most fun little treasure appear when she folds open the envelope flap.  Today I sent her one of my butterfly postcards that I sell on Etsy and a little bracelet I made of thread.  

Of course I had to put the postcard into a plain old boring envelope first.  I'm hoping it will reach her because the envelope bulged out the slightest bit where the knot was tied on the bracelet.  Anyway, I want to send her a couple more things for fun.  Anyone have any good ideas? has to be small, light, and totally flat.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

toenail moon

But there's a full moon rising
Let's go dancing in the light
We know where the music's playing
Let's go out and feel the night

-Neil Young

goodnight moon @ JennaBdesigns on

I saw the moon tonight.  Just a sliver.  I just can't wait for those warm summer nights when the moon is shining bright and lingering in the air is the sweet smell of a sun-scorched days.  When my sister was little she found a stray clipping of my dad's toenail, like the moon before it's full, and proceeded to put it in a jewelry box and give it back to him as a gift.  Oh, my.  Kind of sweet and kind of...eww.  But it certainly was a thoughtful present and very funny too.  Kids :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

sun kissed picture window

I saw a little of this and a little of that along my travels today.  I saw clear blue skies over muddy streets.    Roads crisscrossing like scissors.  Beady-eyed traffic lights.  Frosty glass windows.  Fluffy, snow capped bushes.  Bare naked sycamore trees in a line with veins for arms.  Country houses with heavy roofs and crisp waving flags of red, white, and blue.  Strings of old crops popping up through sun-kissed, glistening white fields. 

With tidbits of these images fresh in my mind like a tiny picture window, I am interested in some objects I have around the house.  I don't know exactly what I'll make of them yet, but something for sure.  

P.S. do you adore maps as much as i do?  :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

snow and ice and everything nice

I woke up this morning and my world was filled with crystals and white as far as they eye could see.  Freezing rain makes for bad driving conditions but for lovely views.  This is the scene from my backyard :)  So pretty.

As I wound my way down melting streets and low hanging branches, I caught a glimpse of this snowman lovingly created by some brave souls who must have invested many cold minutes in their efforts.  This seems as if it could only have been made with the assistance of one very dedicated parent who must have gotten all gussied up with warm boots, a cozy jacket with some fur lining, and a pair of embarrassingly 80's neon green waterproof gloves in order to help make this.  Unfortunately, this snowman doesn't look as stately and kept as he once was two days ago when I drove by.  The poor guy lost half of his teeth and one eye in the storm and barely made it out with his life!  But he appears to still be smiling :)