Monday, April 18, 2011

{love} is in the yard

While playing outside with Keira this afternoon, I found myself surrounded by hearts.  I just {love} finding mysterious things in unlikely places :)

I hope you have something to smile about today too!


  1. this post made me smile :)

  2. How sweet, they make for a lovely collection of hearts! :)

  3. oh, good, keia. maybe now you'll see hearts everywhere you go, too :)

    eadaoin...i think i could start a new series on "found hearts." i'm sure only good things could come from looking about for those :)

  4. Great photos and a great post. Travelling Mama sent me!

  5. Hihi, the first heart does not only look like a heart, but like a little pig's nose, too... Cute :-)
    I'm here via Travelling Mama, too - will sneak in now and then, I like your blog very much...

  6. Hi Glenda...thanks so much for the visit! Tina was so nice to send you :) Don't you just love her blog??

  7. Kompromisslostoll...thanks for stopping by!! I know, that first one is so funny, right? I also think it looks the the end of an elephant's trunk :) It's funny what you see when you really look at something for a while. You're so welcome to sneak back anytime you'd like!!


any thoughts?? thanks for stopping by :)